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Hours: 1157.95

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Geo2tag e-Tourism Service (GeTS) 10/09/2013 Никита Артемов Documenting develop GeTs API 2.00 Actions
Firepoint 07/09/2013 Артем Калинин Coding Porting to Asha 501 3.00 Actions
Firepoint 07/08/2013 Артем Калинин Research Porting to Asha 501 4.00 Actions
TourMe 06/26/2013 Артем Калинин Design Apache php xml 1.50 Actions
TourMe 06/18/2013 Артем Калинин Testing Test script and start it for Petrozavodsk 3.50 Actions
TourMe 06/15/2013 Артем Калинин Testing Write and test script 2.00 Actions
TourMe 06/15/2013 Артем Калинин Coding Write script for tiles 3.00 Actions
TourMe 06/13/2013 Артем Калинин Coding Reduild OSMTilePackager 3.00 Actions
MyTrips 04/25/2013 Никита Артемов Research Design #253: Prototype of interface research dojo api 1.00 Actions
TourMe 04/11/2013 Артем Калинин Research Feature #247: OSMDroidMap Cache of osmand and google maps 2.00 Actions
TourMe 04/11/2013 Артем Калинин Design Feature #247: OSMDroidMap Update architecture and load to eredmine 1.00 Actions
Firepoint 04/10/2013 Артем Калинин Coding Requirements #189: Porting Firepoint to Nokia S40 Версия с проверкой соединения через сайт 2.00 Actions
TourMe 04/07/2013 Артем Калинин Coding Feature #247: OSMDroidMap Write mapAPI 3.50 Actions
TourMe 04/07/2013 Артем Калинин Design Feature #247: OSMDroidMap Map API 1.00 Actions
TourMe 04/06/2013 Артем Калинин Coding Feature #247: OSMDroidMap New leaflet offline maps 4.00 Actions
Firepoint 04/06/2013 Артем Калинин Research Requirements #189: Porting Firepoint to Nokia S40 Network access problem 3.00 Actions
MyTrips 04/03/2013 Никита Артемов Meeting Management #249: Meetings Meeting with manager: discussed current state 1.00 Actions
TourMe 04/03/2013 Артем Тимонин Coding Research #254: Research foursquare Получение точек пользователя 1.00 Actions
MyTrips 03/31/2013 Никита Давыдовский Coding Design #250: development of server-side Develop api functions: add point, search point 3.00 Actions
MyTrips 03/31/2013 Никита Давыдовский Coding Design #250: development of server-side Create and configuring database 1.00 Actions
MyTrips 03/30/2013 Никита Артемов Design Design #253: Prototype of interface implementing form to get poins from server 2.00 Actions
MyTrips 03/30/2013 Никита Артемов Research Design #253: Prototype of interface research test app on phonegap and dojo 3.00 Actions
MyTrips 03/29/2013 Никита Артемов Research Design #253: Prototype of interface researching phonegap api 3.00 Actions
TourMe 03/29/2013 Артем Тимонин Coding Requirements #251: Код Получение точек с foursquare 1.50 Actions
TourMe 03/28/2013 Артем Тимонин Coding Requirements #251: Код Добавление в основной код класса для получения точек с Яндекс 1.00 Actions
(26-50/472) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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