



Документация для разработчиков сервиса

Документация для пользователей сервиса

Дополнительная информация

The idea of project is following. "Geo2tag LBS platform": is a back-end platform for geo-services. It has flexible support a channels with points. In this project we use geo2tag service as a points storage and add specific functions for using in the e-Tourism projects. Later on some functions may be moved into geo2tag platform.

The project called GeTS -- Geo2tag e-Tourism Service.

h1. User requirements

* Use yandex maps markup language for output data

* Add support to store polygons and tracks

* User should authorize using Google Auth 2.0 provider

* Service must support categories for points

* Each user can use own channels to store points, polygons and tracks and can read public channels of points, polygons and tracks.

* Public channels can be updated by users with specific privileges.

h1. Other documentation

* "YMapsML language":

* [[Project]]

h1. Related links

Updated by Никита Давыдовский about 11 years ago · 14 revisions